References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 253RF COMMENTS
4 references found.
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Z.Phys. A359, 415 (1997)
F.P.Hessberger, S.Hofmann, V.Ninov, P.Armbruster, H.Folger, G.Munzenberg, H.J.Schott, A.G.Popeko, A.V.Yeremin, A.N.Andreyev, S.Saro
Spontaneous Fission and Alpha-Decay Properties of Neutron Deficient Isotopes 257-253104 and 258106
RADIOACTIVITY 253,254Rf, 258Sg(SF), 255,256,257Rf(α) [from 204,206,208Pb(50Ti, xn), E=4.8-5.1 MeV/nucleon; 209Bi(51V, X), E=4.77-4.99 MeV/nucleon]; measured Eα, T1/2. 257Rf, 253No deduced levels.
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 204,206,208Pb(50Ti, xn), E=4.8-5.1 MeV/nucleon; 209Bi(51V, X), E=4.77-4.99 MeV/nucleon; measured Eα, Iα, residuals fission fragments; deduced evidence for 258Sg, 253,254Rf.
Nucl.Data Sheets 107, 2103 (2006)
A.K.Jain, S.Singh, J.K.Tuli
Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 253
COMPILATION 253Cf, 253Es, 253Fm, 253Md, 253No, 253Lr, 253Rf; compiled, evaluated structure data.
doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2006.05.007
Phys.Rev. C 104, L031303 (2021)
J.Khuyagbaatar, H.Brand, R.A.Cantemir, Ch.E.Dullmann, F.P.Hessberger, E.Jager, B.Kindler, J.Krier, N.Kurz, B.Lommel, B.Schausten, A.Yakushev
Spontaneous fission instability of the neutron-deficient No and Rf isotopes: The new isotope 249No
RADIOACTIVITY 253,253mRf(SF); 253Rf, 249No(α)[253Rf from 204Pb(50Ti, n), E=234.3 MeV]; measured evaporation residues (ERs), (ER)(fission)- and (ER)α-correlated events, Eα, Iα, partial half-lives of two fission activities of 253Rf, α-decay half-life of newly discovered 249No isotope from the α decay mode of 253Rf in (ER)-α-α-α correlated events using gas-filled TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus (TASCA) at UNILAC, GSI. 253Rf; deduced another high-lying ≈0.6-μs isomer. 251mNo; discussed in Supplemental Material of the paper a possible identification method for direct fission from an isomeric state in 251No. Presence of two fission activities in 253Rf proposed as benchmark cases for the theoretical description of the influence of single-particle orbitals on the fission process.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.L031303
Phys.Rev. C 105, L021306 (2022)
A.Lopez-Martens, K.Hauschild, A.I.Svirikhin, Z.Asfari, M.L.Chelnokov, V.I.Chepigin, O.Dorvaux, M.Forge, B.Gall, A.V.Isaev, I.N.Izosimov, K.Kessaci, A.A.Kuznetsova, O.N.Malyshev, R.S.Mukhin, A.G.Popeko, Yu.A.Popov, B.Sailaubekov, E.A.Sokol, M.S.Tezekbayeva, A.V.Yeremin
Fission properties of 253Rf and the stability of neutron-deficient Rf isotopes
RADIOACTIVITY 253Rf(SF)(α) [from 204Pb(50Ti, n), E=244 MeV];249No(α)[from 253Rf(SF)(α)];245Fm(α)[from 249No(α)]; 251No(SF)(α)[from 204Pb(48Ca, n); measured fission fragments, Eγ, Iγ, Eα, Iα, (implant)α-coin, (implant)γ-coin. 253Rf; deduced levels, J, π, T1/2 for two isomeric fissioning states, branching ratio for α-decay. 251No; deduced T1/2. 252Rf; deduced T1/2 based on extracted hindrance factor and systematics. U400 Cyclotron at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Dubna with separator for heavy element spectroscopy (SHELS). GABRIELA detector consisting of DSSD and HPGe detectors.
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 204Pb(50Ti, n), E=244 MeV; measured fission fragments from 253Rf decay, Eα, Iα; deduced σ.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.L021306