References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 157PR 9BE(238U,F):NUC ID:XUNDL-2
4 references found.
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Phys.Rev. C 67, 055802 (2003)
P.Moller, B.Pfeiffer, K.-L.Kratz
New calculations of gross b-decay properties for astrophysical applications: Speeding-up the classical r process
RADIOACTIVITY 92,99Rb, 137I(β-), (β-n); calculated strength functions, T1/2, delayed-neutron emission probabilities. Z=8-76; 76Fe, 77Co, 78Ni, 79Cu, 80Zn, 81Ga, 125Tc, 126Ru, 127Rh, 128Pd, 129Ag, 130Cd, 131In, 190Gd, 191Tb, 192Dy, 193Ho, 194Er, 195Tm, 196Yb; calculated β-decay T1/2. Implications for astrophysical r-process discussed.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.67.055802
Phys.Rev. C 93, 025805 (2016)
T.Marketin, L.Huther, G.Martinez-Pinedo
Large-scale evaluation of β-decay rates of r-process nuclei with the inclusion of first-forbidden transitions
RADIOACTIVITY Z=8-110, N=11-236, A=19-339(β-); calculated decay rates for Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions, total decay rates, P0n, P1n, P3n, P4n, P5n delayed-neutron emission probabilities, average energies of electrons antineutrinos and photons after decay. Z=47-48, A=114-154; calculated Q(β-). Z=36-43, A=93-117; Z=37-50, N=65-88; Z=24-32, N=50; Z=42-49, N=82; Z=6-73, N=126; 194,195,196Re, 199,200Os, 198,199,201,202Ir, 203,204Pt, 204Au, 211,212,213Tl, 218,219Bi(β-); calculated half-lives for β- decay. Fully self-consistent covariant density functional theory (CDFT) framework with the ground states calculated with relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) model, and excited states within the proton-neutron relativistic quasiparticle random phase approximation (pn-RQRPA). Comparison with experimental Q values and half-lives. Calculated abundances of heavy nuclei, and evolution of neutron-to-seed ratio resulting from hot and cold r-processes using half-lives from the FRDM and the current model. Supplementary file contains theoretical values of half-lives and Pxn for 5409 neutron-rich nuclei.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.025805
Phys.Rev.Lett. 118, 072701 (2017)
J.Wu, S.Nishimura, G.Lorusso, P.Moller, E.Ideguchi, P.-H.Regan, G.S.Simpson, P.-A.Soderstrom, P.M.Walker, H.Watanabe, Z.Y.Xu, H.Baba, F.Browne, R.Daido, P.Doornenbal, Y.F.Fang, G.Gey, T.Isobe, P.S.Lee, J.J.Liu, Z.Li, Z.Korkulu, Z.Patel, V.Phong, S.Rice, H.Sakurai, L.Sinclair, T.Sumikama, M.Tanaka, A.Yagi, Y.L.Ye, R.Yokoyama, G.X.Zhang, T.Alharbi, N.Aoi, F.L.Bello Garrote, G.Benzoni, A.M.Bruce, R.J.Carroll, K.Y.Chae, Z.Dombradi, A.Estrade, A.Gottardo, C.J.Griffin, H.Kanaoka, I.Kojouharov, F.G.Kondev, S.Kubono, N.Kurz, I.Kuti, S.Lalkovski, G.J.Lane, E.J.Lee, T.Lokotko, G.Lotay, C.-B.Moon, H.Nishibata, I.Nishizuka, C.R.Nita, A.Odahara, Zs.Podolyak, O.J.Roberts, H.Schaffner, C.Shand, J.Taprogge, S.Terashima, Z.Vajta, S.Yoshida
94 β-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich 55Cs to 67Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation
RADIOACTIVITY 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151Cs, 146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154Ba, 148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156La, 150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158Ce, 153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160Pr, 156,157,158,159,160,161,162Nd, 159,160,161,162,163Pm, 160,161,162,163,164,165,166Sm, 161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168Eu, 165,166,167,168,169,170Gd, 166,167,168,169,170,171,172Tb, 169,170,171,172,172m,173Dy, 172,173,174,175Ho, 174mEr(β-)[from Be(238U, X), E=345 MeV/nucleon]; measured and analyzed reaction products using BigRIPS separator and ZeroDegree Spectrometer (ZDS), γ rays, half-lives by (implant)β correlations using WAS3ABi and EURICA detection systems at RIBF-RIKEN facility; deduced Gamow-Teller strength functions, r-process abundance pattern in the solar system. Comparison with previous experimental half-lives, and with three theoretical calculations using FRDM+QRPA, KTUY+GT2, and RHB+pn-RQRPA models. Numerical values of half-lives listed in supplementary file.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.072701
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 87, 014202 (2018)
N.Fukuda, T.Kubo, D.Kameda, N.Inabe, H.Suzuki, Y.Shimizu, H.Takeda, K.Kusaka, Y.Yanagisawa, M.Ohtake, K.Tanaka, K.Yoshida, H.Sato, H.Baba, M.Kurokawa, T.Ohnishi, N.Iwasa, A.Chiba, T.Yamada, E.Ideguchi, S.Go, R.Yokoyama, T.Fujii, H.Nishibata, K.Ieki, D.Murai, S.Momota, D.Nishimura, Y.Sato, J.Hwang, S.Kim, O.B.Tarasov, D.J.Morrissey, G.Simpson
Identification of New Neutron-Rich Isotopes in the Rare-Earth Region Produced by 345 MeV/nucleon 238U
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(238U, F)153Ba/154Ba/154La/155La/156La/156Ce/157Ce/158Ce/156Pr/157Pr/158Pr/159Pr/160Pr/161Pr/162Nd/163Nd/164Pm/165Pm/166Sm/167Sm/168Sm/169Eu/171Gd/172Gd/173Tb/174Tb/175Dy/176Dy/177Ho/178Ho/179Er/180Er, E=345 MeV/nucleon; measured reaction products, A/Q spectra, and production cross sections for 29 new neutron-rich isotopes using BigRIPS spectrometer at RIBF-RIKEN facility.