References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 149CS 9BE(238U,F):NUC ID:XUNDL-3
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Thesis, Technischen Univ. Munchen (2000)
Ausbeuten und Spektroskopie radioaktiver Isotope bei LOHENGRIN und ISOLDE
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 233,235U, 239,241Pu, 245Cm(n, F), E thermal; U, C(p, X), E=1-1.4 GeV; measured fission products; deduced yields.
RADIOACTIVITY 12Be, 70Cu, 149,150Cs, 232Fr(β-n); measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ, En, In; deduced γ-ray energies, T1/2, nuclear magnetic moments, β-delayed neutron emission probabilities. Comparison with available data.
Phys.Rev. C 67, 055802 (2003)
P.Moller, B.Pfeiffer, K.-L.Kratz
New calculations of gross b-decay properties for astrophysical applications: Speeding-up the classical r process
RADIOACTIVITY 92,99Rb, 137I(β-), (β-n); calculated strength functions, T1/2, delayed-neutron emission probabilities. Z=8-76; 76Fe, 77Co, 78Ni, 79Cu, 80Zn, 81Ga, 125Tc, 126Ru, 127Rh, 128Pd, 129Ag, 130Cd, 131In, 190Gd, 191Tb, 192Dy, 193Ho, 194Er, 195Tm, 196Yb; calculated β-decay T1/2. Implications for astrophysical r-process discussed.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.67.055802
Phys.Rev. C 93, 025805 (2016)
T.Marketin, L.Huther, G.Martinez-Pinedo
Large-scale evaluation of β-decay rates of r-process nuclei with the inclusion of first-forbidden transitions
RADIOACTIVITY Z=8-110, N=11-236, A=19-339(β-); calculated decay rates for Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions, total decay rates, P0n, P1n, P3n, P4n, P5n delayed-neutron emission probabilities, average energies of electrons antineutrinos and photons after decay. Z=47-48, A=114-154; calculated Q(β-). Z=36-43, A=93-117; Z=37-50, N=65-88; Z=24-32, N=50; Z=42-49, N=82; Z=6-73, N=126; 194,195,196Re, 199,200Os, 198,199,201,202Ir, 203,204Pt, 204Au, 211,212,213Tl, 218,219Bi(β-); calculated half-lives for β- decay. Fully self-consistent covariant density functional theory (CDFT) framework with the ground states calculated with relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) model, and excited states within the proton-neutron relativistic quasiparticle random phase approximation (pn-RQRPA). Comparison with experimental Q values and half-lives. Calculated abundances of heavy nuclei, and evolution of neutron-to-seed ratio resulting from hot and cold r-processes using half-lives from the FRDM and the current model. Supplementary file contains theoretical values of half-lives and Pxn for 5409 neutron-rich nuclei.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.025805
J.Phys.(London) G44, 054002 (2017)
R.Lica, G.Benzoni, A.I.Morales, M.J.G.Borge, L.M.Fraile, H.Mach, M.Madurga, C.Sotty, V.Vedia, H.De Witte, J.Benito, T.Berry, N.Blasi, A.Bracco, F.Camera, S.Ceruti, V.Charviakova, N.Cieplicka-Orynczak, C.Costache, F.C.L.Crespi, J.Creswell, G.Fernandez-Martinez, H.Fynbo, P.Greenlees, I.Homm, M.Huyse, J.Jolie, V.Karayonchev, U.Koster, J.Konki, T.Kroll, J.Kurcewicz, T.Kurtukian-Nieto, I.Lazarus, S.Leoni, M.Lund, N.Marginean, R.Marginean, C.Mihai, R.Mihai, A.Negret, A.Orduz, Z.Patyk, S.Pascu, V.Pucknell, P.Rahkila, J.M.Regis, F.Rotaru, N.Saed-Samii, V.Sanchez-Tembleque, M.Stanoiu, O.Tengblad, M.Thuerauf, A.Turturica, P.Van Duppen, N.Warr
β decay studies of n-rich Cs isotopes with the ISOLDE Decay Station
RADIOACTIVITY 148,149,150Cs(β-), (β-n)[from U(p, X), E=1.4 GeV at ISOLDE-CERN]; measured reaction products, Eγ, Iγ, βγ-, γγ-coin, half-lives of ground states of 148,149,150Cs, %Pn for the decay of 149Cs, half-lives of levels in 149Ba and 148Ce by βγγ(t). 149Ba; deduced levels, β feedings, multipolarities, half-lives. 148Ce; deduced half-life of the first 2+ state. Comparison with previous experimental half-lives, and with theoretical calculations.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 118, 072701 (2017)
J.Wu, S.Nishimura, G.Lorusso, P.Moller, E.Ideguchi, P.-H.Regan, G.S.Simpson, P.-A.Soderstrom, P.M.Walker, H.Watanabe, Z.Y.Xu, H.Baba, F.Browne, R.Daido, P.Doornenbal, Y.F.Fang, G.Gey, T.Isobe, P.S.Lee, J.J.Liu, Z.Li, Z.Korkulu, Z.Patel, V.Phong, S.Rice, H.Sakurai, L.Sinclair, T.Sumikama, M.Tanaka, A.Yagi, Y.L.Ye, R.Yokoyama, G.X.Zhang, T.Alharbi, N.Aoi, F.L.Bello Garrote, G.Benzoni, A.M.Bruce, R.J.Carroll, K.Y.Chae, Z.Dombradi, A.Estrade, A.Gottardo, C.J.Griffin, H.Kanaoka, I.Kojouharov, F.G.Kondev, S.Kubono, N.Kurz, I.Kuti, S.Lalkovski, G.J.Lane, E.J.Lee, T.Lokotko, G.Lotay, C.-B.Moon, H.Nishibata, I.Nishizuka, C.R.Nita, A.Odahara, Zs.Podolyak, O.J.Roberts, H.Schaffner, C.Shand, J.Taprogge, S.Terashima, Z.Vajta, S.Yoshida
94 β-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich 55Cs to 67Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation
RADIOACTIVITY 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151Cs, 146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154Ba, 148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156La, 150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158Ce, 153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160Pr, 156,157,158,159,160,161,162Nd, 159,160,161,162,163Pm, 160,161,162,163,164,165,166Sm, 161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168Eu, 165,166,167,168,169,170Gd, 166,167,168,169,170,171,172Tb, 169,170,171,172,172m,173Dy, 172,173,174,175Ho, 174mEr(β-)[from Be(238U, X), E=345 MeV/nucleon]; measured and analyzed reaction products using BigRIPS separator and ZeroDegree Spectrometer (ZDS), γ rays, half-lives by (implant)β correlations using WAS3ABi and EURICA detection systems at RIBF-RIKEN facility; deduced Gamow-Teller strength functions, r-process abundance pattern in the solar system. Comparison with previous experimental half-lives, and with three theoretical calculations using FRDM+QRPA, KTUY+GT2, and RHB+pn-RQRPA models. Numerical values of half-lives listed in supplementary file.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.072701
J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 87, 014203 (2018)
Y.Shimizu, T.Kubo, N.Fukuda, N.Inabe, D.Kameda, H.Sato, H.Suzuki, H.Takeda, K.Yoshida, G.Lorusso, H.Watanabe, G.S.Simpson, A.Jungclaus, H.Baba, F.Browne, P.Doornenbal, G.Gey, T.Isobe, Z.Li, S.Nishimura, P.-A.Soderstrom, T.Sumikama, J.Taprogge, Z.Vajta, J.Wu, Z.Xu, A.Odahara, A.Yagi, H.Nishibata, R.Lozeva, C.Moon, H.S.Jung
Observation of New Neutron-rich Isotopes among Fission Fragments from In-flight Fission of 345 MeV/nucleon 238U: Search for New Isotopes Conducted Concurrently with Decay Measurement Campaigns
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(238U, F)104Rb/113Zr/116Nb/118Mo/119Mo/121Tc/122Tc/125Ru/127Rh/128Rh/129Pd/130Pd/131Pd/132Ag/134Cd/136In/137In/139Sn/140Sn/141Sb/142Sb/144Te/145Te/146I/147I/149Xe/150Xe/149Cs/150Cs/151Cs/153Ba/154Ba/154La/155La/156La/157La, E=345 MeV/nucleon; measured reaction products, A/Q spectra, and production cross sections for 36 new neutron-rich isotopes using BigRIPS spectrometer at RIBF-RIKEN facility.