References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 137PR TA(P,X):MOMM1:XUNDL-2

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Hyperfine Interactions 240, 66 (2019)

N.Frommgen, W.Nortershauser, M.L.Bissell, K.Blaum, C.Geppert, M.Hammen, M.Kowalska, J.Kramer, K.Kreim, A.Krieger, Y.A.Litvinov, R.Neugart, G.Neyens, J.Papuga, R.Sanchez, D.T.Yordanov

Hyperfine structure and nuclear magnetic moments of the praseodymium isotopes 135, 136, 137Pr

NUCLEAR MOMENTS 135,136,137Pr; measured frequencies; deduced hyperfine parameters and magnetic moments. Comparison with available data.

doi: 10.1007/s10751-019-1608-5