References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 135BA 134BA(D,P):XUNDL-8

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Phys.Rev. C 94, 054314 (2016)

S.V.Szwec, B.P.Kay, T.E.Cocolios, J.P.Entwisle, S.J.Freeman, L.P.Gaffney, V.Guimaraes, F.Hammache, P.P.McKee, E.Parr, C.Portail, J.P.Schiffer, Sereville, D.K.Sharp, J.F.Smith, I.Stefan

Rearrangement of valence neutrons in the neutrinoless double-β decay of 136Xe

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 134Ba(d, p), E=15 MeV; 134Ba(α, 3He), E=40.1 MeV; 136Ba(p, d), E=23 MeV; 134Ba(3He, α), E=32.0 MeV; measured outgoing proton, deuteron, 3He and α spectra, σ(θ) using an Enge split-pole spectrometer at the ALTO Tandem accelerator at IPN-Orsay. DWBA analysis using PTOLEMY code. 135Ba; deduced levels, J, π. 136Xe, 134,136Ba; deduced ground-state neutron occupancies. Comparisons with theoretical calculations using various nuclear-structure models. Relevance to initial and final state in the 0νββ decay mode of 136Xe.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.054314