Dataset referencing 2016BA44

Phys.Lett. B 760, 387 (2016)

C.Babcock, H.Heylen, M.L.Bissell, K.Blaum, P.Campbell, B.Cheal, D.Fedorov, R.F.Garcia Ruiz, W.Geithner, W.Gins, T.Day Goodacre, L.K.Grob, M.Kowalska, S.M.Lenzi, B.Maass, S.Malbrunot-Ettenauer, B.Marsh, R.Neugart, G.Neyens, W.Nortershauser, T.Otsuka, R.Rossel, S.Rothe, R.Sanchez, Y.Tsunoda, C.Wraith, L.Xie, X.F.Yang

Quadrupole moments of odd-A 53-63Mn: Onset of collectivity towards N = 40

NUCLEAR MOMENTS 53,55,57,59,61,63Mn; measured hyperfine spectra; deduced spectroscopic quadrupole moments. Comparison with large-scale shell model predictions using three effective interactions, GXPF1A, LNPS, modified A3DA.

doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.07.016

Matching datasets in ENSDF

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
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59 Mn ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2018-08 All references
61 Mn COMMENTS 2019-11 All references
ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2019-11 All references
63 Mn ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2024-06 All references

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Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
53 Mn U(P,X):MOMM1,MOME2:XUNDL-8 2018-05 All references
57 Mn U(P,X):MOMM1,MOME2:XUNDL-5 2018-05 All references
59 Mn U(P,X):MOMM1,MOME2:XUNDL-7 2018-05 All references
61 Mn U(P,X):MOMM1,MOME2:XUNDL-7 2018-05 All references
63 Mn U(P,X):MOMM1,MOME2:XUNDL-6 2018-05 All references

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