Dataset referencing 2009HU12
Phys.Rev. C 80, 034303 (2009)
W.Hua, X.H.Zhou, Y.H.Zhang, Y.Zheng, M.L.Liu, F.Ma, S.Guo, L.Ma, S.T.Wang, N.T.Zhang, Y.D.Fang, X.G.Lei, Y.X.Guo, M.Oshima, Y.Toh, M.Koizumi, Y.Hatsukawa, B.Qi, S.Q.Zhang, J.Meng, M.Sugawara
Properties of the rotational bands in the transitional nucleus 189Pt
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 176Yb(18O, 5n), E=88, 95 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin, γγ(θ). 189Pt; deduced levels, J, π, rotational bands, configurations. Comparisons with predictions of triaxial particle-rotor model.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.034303