Dataset referencing 2023NA15

Phys.Rev. C 107, 054307 (2023)

T.Naito, T.Oishi, H.Sagawa, Z.Wang

Comparative study on charge radii and their kinks at magic numbers

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62Ca, 100,102,104,106,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,142,144Sn, 182,184,186,188,190,192,194,196,198,200,202,204,206,208,210,212,214,216,218,220,222Pb; calculated rms charge radii. 132Sn, 208Pb; calculated single-particle spectra, occupation numbers. Discussed sudden change of the mass-number dependence of the charge radius at the neutron shell gap - so-called kink behavior. Nonrelativistic Skyrme, relativistic mean field (RMF), and the relativistic Hartree-Fock (RHF) calculations. Comparison to experimental data.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.107.054307

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