Dataset referencing 2023LA03

Phys.Rev.Lett. 130, 102501 (2023)

R.Lazauskas, E.Hiyama, J.Carbonell

Low Energy Structures in Nuclear Reactions with 4n in the Final State

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 8He, 2,4NN; calculated strength and low energy four-neutron response functions with the AV18 nn interaction, low energy 4n response functions for the scaled nn MT13 potential; deduced the sharp low energy peak observed by studying the missing mass spectra of four neutrons as a consequence of dineutron-dineutron correlations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.102501

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
4 Nn ADOPTED LEVELS 2023-12 All references

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