Dataset referencing 2022ZH22
W.Q.Zhang, A.N.Andreyev, Z.Liu, D.Seweryniak, H.Huang, Z.H.Li, J.G.Li, C.Y.Guo, D.T.Doherty, A.E.Barzakh, P.Van Duppen, J.G.Cubiss, B.Andel, S.Antalic, M.Block, A.Bronis, M.P.Carpenter, P.Copp, B.Ding, Z.Favier, F.Giacoppo, T.H.Huang, X.H.Yu, B.Kindler, F.G.Kondev, T.Lauritsen, G.S.Li, B.Lommel, H.Y.Lu, M.Al Monthery, P.Mosat, Y.F.Niu, C.Raison, W.Reviol, G.Savard, S.Stolze, G.L.Wilson, H.Y.Wu, Z.H.Wang, F.R.Xu, Q.B.Zeng, X.H.Zhou
First observation of a shape isomer and a low-lying strongly-coupled prolate band in neutron-deficient semi-magic 187Pb
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 142Nd(50Cr, 3n2p)187Pb, E=255 MeV beam from ATLAS-ANL facility, followed by separation of evaporation residues (EVRs) using Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer; measured Eα, Eγ, Iγ, x rays, αγ-coin, γγ-coin, T1/2 of a new low-energy microsec-isomer by αγ(t) using Gammasphere for γ detection and double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD) for EVRs and α particles. Recoil-decay tagging (RDT) and isomer-decay tagging (IDT) methods. 187Pb; deduced high-spin levels, J, π, isomer, K-conversion coefficient, multipolarity, bands, B(E2), B(M1)/B(E2), triple-shape coexistence at low energy. Comparison with band structure in 185Hg. Systematics of aligned angular momenta plots and experimental Routhians for bands in 183,185Hg, 187Pb. 184Hg, 186Pb, 187Tl; observed γ rays. 186,187m,188Pb; observed α-decay peaks.
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137129