Dataset referencing 2022YA19

Phys.Rev. C 106, 014315 (2022)

J.M.Yao, I.Ginnett, A.Belley, T.Miyagi, R.Wirth, S.Bogner, J.Engel, H.Hergert, J.D.Holt, S.R.Stroberg

Ab initio studies of the double-Gamow-Teller transition and its correlation with neutrinoless double-β decay

RADIOACTIVITY 6,8He, 10Be, 14C, 18,22O, 22Ne, 26,28Mg, 30Si, 34S, 38Ar, 42,44,48,56Ca, 50Cr, 46,52Ti(2β-); A=6-76(2β-); calculated nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) for ground-state-to-ground-state double Gamow-Teller transitions (DGT) and Gamow Teller (GT) 0νββ decay, transition densities of parent nuclei, correlation between the transition densities and NMEs of DGT transitions. Ab initio many body methods by importance-truncated no-core shell model (IT-NCSM) with GXPF1A interaction, valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group method (VSIMSRG) with EM1.8/2.0 interaction, and in-medium generator coordinate method (IM-GCM). 6He, 10Be, 14C, 18O, 22Ne, 26Mg, 30Si, 34S, 38Ar, 42,44Ca, 46Ti, 50Cr; 2β- decay mode forbidden for these nuclei due to negative Q values, however, on query, authors mentioned that these nuclei were included for NMEs for 0νββ decays as these involved the same decay operators that determine the allowed decay rates, thus helpful to benchmark many-body approaches for the nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decay.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.014315

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