Dataset referencing 2022LI08

Phys.Rev. C 105, 024308 (2022)

K.C.W.Li, P.Adsley, R.Neveling, P.Papka, F.D.Smit, E.Nikolskii, J.W.Brummer, L.M.Donaldson, M.Freer, M.N.Harakeh, F.Nemulodi, L.Pellegri, V.Pesudo, M.Wiedeking, E.Z.Buthelezi, V.Chudoba, S.V.Fortsch, P.Jones, M.Kamil, J.P.Mira, G.G.O'Neill, E.Sideras-Haddad, B.Singh, S.Siem, G.F.Steyn, J.A.Swartz, I.T.Usman, J.J.van Zyl

Multiprobe study of excited states in 12C: Disentangling the sources of monopole strength between the energy of the Hoyle state and ex = 13 MeV

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 12C(α, α'), E=118, 160, 196, 200; 14C(p, t), E=67.5, 100 MeV; measured reaction products, Eα, Iα, (particle)α-coin; deduced excitation energy spectra. 12C; deduced levels, J, π, resonances, resonance widths, monopole strength distribution. Discussed the nature of monopole strength excess at around 9 MeV as possible breathing-mode excitation of the Hoyle state. CAKE-array of double-sided silicon strip detectors coupled with K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.024308

Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
12 C 12C(A,A),14C(P,T):XUNDL-70 2024-04 All references

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