Dataset referencing 2022KH01

Phys.Rev. C 105, 014306 (2022)


Derivation of the Mn/Mp ratio in exotic nuclei

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 14,16,18,19,21,22,24,26,27,29O, 29,32,35,38,42,45,48,50,54,58S, 32,36,40,42,46,50,54,58,60,62Ar; calculated (Mn/Mp)/(N/Z) ratios with the parametrizations of radii and diffuseness. and with the original Bernstein formula. 18,20,22O, 30,32,34,36,38,40S, 34,36,40,42,44Ar; calculated (Mn/Mp)/(N/Z) ratios with the original Bernstein formula, the generalized one, and the microscopic analysis. Generalized formula to calculate Mn/Mp ratios of the multipole transition matrix elements, in the framework of phenomenological analysis.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.014306

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