Dataset referencing 2021WA04

Phys.Rev. C 103, 014317 (2021)

E.H.Wang, J.M.Eldridge, N.T.Brewer, J.H.Hamilton, J.C.Batchelder, Y.X.Liu, Y.Sun, C.Brown, C.J.Zachary, B.M.Musangu, A.V.Ramayya, K.P.Rykaczewski, C.J.Gross, R.Grzywacz, M.Madurga, D.Miller, D.W.Stracener, C.Jost, E.F.Zganjar, J.A.Winger, M.Karny, S.V.Paulauskas, S.H.Liu, M.Wolinska-Cichocka, S.W.Padgett, A.J.Mendez, K.Miernik, A.Fijalkowska, S.V.Ilyushkin

Long-lived isomeric states and quasiparticle band structures in neutron-rich 162, 164Gd nuclei from β decay

RADIOACTIVITY 162,164Eu(β-)[from 238U(p, F), E=50 MeV at the at the HRIB facility of ORNL]; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ- and βγ-coin, half-lives of 162Eu g.s. and isomer and 164Eu g.s. decays, half-lives of isomers in 162,164Gd by γ(t). 162,164Eu; deduced J, π for the ground states, and the isomer in 162Eu. 162,164Gd; deduced levels, J, π, isomers, total conversion coefficients, β feedings and logft for 164Eu to 164Gd decay, configurations, β and γ rotational bands. Comparison with projected shell model calculations, and with systematics of K isomer hindrance factors in neighboring nuclei.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.103.014317

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162 Eu ADOPTED LEVELS 2024-03 All references
162EU IT DECAY 2024-03 All references
162 Gd ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2024-03 All references
162EU B- DECAY: MIXED SOURCE 2024-03 All references

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