Dataset referencing 2021RO04
M.Rocchini, K.Hadynska-Klek, A.Nannini, A.Goasduff, M.Zielinska, D.Testov, T.R.Rodriguez, A.Gargano, F.Nowacki, G.De Gregorio, H.Naidja, P.Sona, J.J.Valiente-Dobon, D.Mengoni, P.R.John, D.Bazzacco, G.Benzoni, A.Boso, P.Cocconi, M.Chiari, D.T.Doherty, F.Galtarossa, G.Jaworski, M.Komorowska, N.Marchini, M.Matejska-Minda, B.Melon, R.Menegazzo, P.J.Napiorkowski, D.Napoli, M.Ottanelli, A.Perego, L.Ramina, M.Rampazzo, F.Recchia, S.Riccetto, D.Rosso, M.Siciliano
Onset of triaxial deformation in 66Zn and properties of its first excited 0+ state studied by means of Coulomb excitation
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 208Pb(66Zn, 66Zn'), E=240 MeV from the XTU-Tandem accelerator of INFN-Legnaro; measured Eγ, Iγ, scattered 66Zn particles, (66Zn)γ-coin, γ-ray yields, γ(θ), (66Zn)γ(θ) in safe Coulomb excitation using GALILEO spectrometer for γ radiation, and SPIDER array for 66Zn particles. 66Zn; deduced levels, J, π, Coulomb excitation yields, reduced E2, E3, and M1 matrix elements using GOSIA least-squares fitting analysis, B(E2), B(E3), B(M1), spectroscopic quadrupole moments for the first and second 2+ and the first 4+ states, quadrupole shape invariants and deformation parameters; calculated collective wave function contours for selected states in 66Zn, and potential energy surfaces for 64,66,68,70Zn in (β2, γ) plane. Comparison with extensive beyond-mean-field (BMF) and large-scale shell-model calculations with a variety of model spaces and interactions, and with results of previous experimental results. Systematics of low-lying states in 62,64,66,68,70Zn.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.103.014311