Dataset referencing 2021HI04

Phys.Rev. C 103, 024004 (2021)

M.D.Higgins, C.H.Greene, A.Kievsky, M.Viviani

Comprehensive study of the three- and four-neutron systems at low energies

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 3,4n; calculated adiabatic hyperspherical potential curves for Jπ=3/2- for the 3n system and Jπ=0+ for the 4n system, phase shifts and eigenshifts using explicitly correlated Gaussian (CGHS) and the hyperspherical harmonic (HH) bases, multichannel analysis of the three-and four-neutron scattering near the scattering continuum threshold; deduced no evidence of a 4n-resonance at low energy. Discussed experimental result of possible 4n resonance by 2016Ki01 in 4He(8He, 4n8Be) reaction.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.103.024004

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4 Nn ADOPTED LEVELS 2023-12 All references

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