Dataset referencing 2020JI11
Phys.Rev. C 102, 054301 (2020)
W.G.Jiang, A.Ekstrom, C.Forssen, G.Hagen, G.R.Jansen, T.Papenbrock
Accurate bulk properties of nuclei from A = 20 to ∞ from potentials with Δ isobars
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 2,3H, 3,4He, 16,22,24O, 40,48,50,52,54,56,58,60Ca, 78Ni, 90Zr, 100,132Sn; calculated binding energies, and charge radii for Ca isotopes, quadrupole moment for 2H, first 3- state of 16O, and first 2+ states of 22O, 24O and 48Ca. Coupled-cluster calculations with ΔNNLOGO interactions optimized from chiral effective field theory. Comparison with experimental data. Computed neutron-proton and proton-proton phase shifts for the contact and selected peripheral partial waves with the ΔNLOGO and ΔNNLOGO potentials.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.054301