Dataset referencing 2020ER03

Phys.Rev. C 102, 024320 (2020)

T.K.Eriksen, T.Kibedi, M.W.Reed, A.E.Stuchbery, K.J.Cook, A.Akber, B.Alshahrani, A.A.Avaa, K.Banerjee, A.C.Berriman, L.T.Bezzina, L.Bignell, J.Buete, I.P.Carter, B.J.Coombes, J.T.H.Dowie, M.Dasgupta, L.J.Evitts, A.B.Garnsworthy, M.S.M.Gerathy, T.J.Gray, D.J.Hinde, T.H.Hoang, S.S.Hota, E.Ideguchi, P.Jones, G.J.Lane, B.P.McCormick, A.J.Mitchell, N.Palalani, T.Palazzo, M.Ripper, E.C.Simpson, J.Smallcombe, B.M.A.Swinton-Bland, T.Tanaka, T.G.Tornyi, Vries

Improved precision on the experimental E0 decay branching ratio of the Hoyle state

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 12C(p, p'), E=10.5 MeV; measured electron-positron pairs for E0 transition from the first excited 0+ Hoyle state, and for E2 transition from the first 2+ state, Eγ, (ce)(ce)- and (ce)γ-coin, γ(θ), E(p), I(p) using the superconducting solenoid Super-e pair spectrometer and Si(Li) detector array for electrons and positrons, HPGe detector for γ radiation, and ANU BALiN double sided silicon strip detector array for scattered protons at the 14 UD pelletron tandem accelerator of Australian National University; deduced E0 branching ratio ΓE0π/Γ, reduction in radiative width. Comparison with previous experimental measurements; calculated 3α reaction rate within the temperature range of helium burning red giant stars using the NACRE library value. Possible impact on astrophysical calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.024320

Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
12 C 12C(P,P'):XUNDL-54 2023-05 All references
12C(P,P'):XUNDL-57 2023-05 All references

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