Dataset referencing 2020AU04
K.Auranen, J.Uusitalo, H.Badran, T.Grahn, P.T.Greenlees, A.Herzan, U.Jakobsson, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, J.Konki, M.Leino, A.-P.Leppanen, G.O'Neill, J.Pakarinen, P.Papadakis, J.Partanen, P.Peura, P.Rahkila, P.Ruotsalainen, M.Sandzelius, J.Saren, C.Scholey, L.Sinclair, J.Sorri, S.Stolze, A.Voss
Exploring the boundaries of the nuclear landscape: α-decay properties of 211Pa
RADIOACTIVITY 211,212,213Pa(α)[from 181Ta(36Ar, 6n), (36Ar, 5n), (36Ar, 4n), E=178-214 MeV, and 169Tm(36Ar, X), E=187 MeV, followed by separation of reaction products of interest using RITU separator at the K-130 cyclotron of the University of Jyvaskyla]; measured Eα, Iα, (implants)-α correlations, and (implants)-α1-α2-α3-α4 correlations, half-lives of decays of 211Pa, 212Pa and 213Pa using GREAT spectrometer and multiwire proportional counter (MWPC); deduced Q(α), reduced α widths in Rasmussen formalism, α hindrance factors, mass excesses, S(p), S(2p). 199,200,201At, 203,204,205Fr, 207,208,209Ac(α)[from 211,212,213Pa α decay chains]; measured Eα, (211,212,213Pa implants)(4α)-correlations, time differences between correlated events. Comparison with previous experimental results, evaluated masses and proton separation energies in AME2016, and theoretical mass models. Systematics of Q(α) values for N=116-132 Ac, Th and Pa isotopes, S(p) values of A=210-224 Pa isotopes, S(p) values N=116-126 Ac and Th isotopes, and S(2p) values of N=111-126 Th isotopes. 196,197,197m,198Po, 197,198,198m,200At, 200,201,204,205,206Rn, 201,206,207,208,209Fr, 207,208,209,210Ra, 210,211,212,213Ac; observed α peaks in Figs. 1a and 1b from the decays of these isotopes.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.102.034305