Dataset referencing 2019HI06
J.Hilton, J.Uusitalo, J.Saren, R.D.Page, D.T.Joss, M.A.M.AlAqeel, H.Badran, A.D.Briscoe, T.Calverley, D.M.Cox, T.Grahn, A.Gredley, P.T.Greenlees, R.Harding, A.Herzan, E.Higgins, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, J.Konki, M.Labiche, M.Leino, M.C.Lewis, J.Ojala, J.Pakarinen, P.Papadakis, J.Partanen, P.Rahkila, P.Ruotsalainen, M.Sandzelius, C.Scholey, J.Sorri, L.Sottili, S.Stolze, F.Wearing
α-spectroscopy studies of the new nuclides 165Pt and 170Hg
RADIOACTIVITY 165Pt(α)[new nuclide from 92Mo(78Kr, 5n), E=418 MeV]; 170Hg(α)[new nuclide from 96Ru(78Kr, 4n), E=390, 418 MeV]; 167Pt(α)[from 96Ru(78Kr, 3nα), E=390, 418 MeV]; 166Pt(α)[from 96Ru(78Kr, 4n), E=390, 418 MeV]; 161,162,163Os, 158,159W, 157Ta, 154,155Hf(α)[from α-decay chains of 165Pt, 167Pt and 170Hg]; measured Eα, Iα, α-α correlated plots, half-lives of ground states, production cross sections of parent nuclei using the MARA spectrometer with multiwire proportional counter for recoil identification, and double-sided silicon strip detector for α detection at the University of Jyvaskyla accelerator facility; deduced Q(α), reduced α-decay widths. 165Pt, 170Hg(2p); no evidence found for this decay mode in this experiment, although, Q(2p) is positive for both the nuclides. Systematics of Qα and Q(2p) values for A=156-180, and α-decay reduced widths for N=83-102, for W, Os, Pt and Hg isotopes.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.014305