Dataset referencing 2019AB06
B.Abromeit, V.Tripathi, H.L.Crawford, S.N.Liddick, S.Yoshida, Y.Utsuno, P.C.Bender, B.P.Crider, R.Dungan, P.Fallon, K.Kravvaris, N.Larson, R.S.Lubna, T.Otsuka, C.J.Prokop, A.L.Richard, N.Shimizu, S.L.Tabor, A.Volya
Β- decay of Tz = +11/2 isotopes 37Al and 39Si: Understanding Gamow-Teller strength distribution in neutron-rich nuclei
RADIOACTIVITY 37Al, 37,39,40Si, 37,39P(β-)[from 9Be(48Ca, X), E=140 MeV/nucleon, followed by fragment separation using A1900 separator at NSCL-MSU]; 37Al, 39Si(β-n); measured β, Eγ, Iγ, βγ-coin, half-lives of decays of 37Al, 37Si and 39Si, %β-n for decays of 37Al and 39Si using β-counting system (BCS) at NSCL-MSU which consisted of silicon PIN detectors, segmented planar Ge double-sided strip detector (GeDSSD) for implants and β- detection, and an array of 16 segmented Ge detectors for γ rays. 36Si, 37Si, 37,39,40P, 37,39S; deduced levels, J, π, β feedings, logft, %β-n. Systematics of low-lying positive π states in 35,37,39P, and T1/2 in N=20-28 Si isotopes. Comparison with shell model calculations.
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 35,37,39P, 37,39S, 37Si; calculated levels, J, π, logft values. Shell model calculations using the SDPFSDG-MU interaction. Comparison with experimental data from the present experiment, and the evaluated data in the ENSDF database at NNDC.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.014323