Dataset referencing 2018OR02

Phys.Rev.Lett. 120, 262702 (2018)

R.Orford, N.Vassh, J.A.Clark, G.C.McLaughlin, M.R.Mumpower, G.Savard, R.Surman, A.Aprahamian, F.Buchinger, M.T.Burkey, D.A.Gorelov, T.Y.Hirsh, J.W.Klimes, G.E.Morgan, A.Nystrom, K.S.Sharma

Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Neodymium and Samarium Isotopes and Their Role in Understanding Rare-Earth Peak Formation

ATOMIC MASSES 154,156,158,159,160Nd, 162,163,164Sm; measured cyclotron frequency ratios; deduced mass excess values. Comparison with AME16 evaluation.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.262702

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159 Nd ADOPTED LEVELS 2023-12 All references

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