Dataset referencing 2016HI03
Phys.Rev. C 93, 044004 (2016)
E.Hiyama, R.Lazauskas, J.Carbonell, M.Kamimura
Possibility of generating a 4-neutron resonance with a T=3/2 isospin 3-neutron force
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 4n; calculated narrow resonant states of tetraneutron for Jπ=0+, 2+ and 2-. 4H, 4He, 4Li; calculated energies of the lowest T=1, Jπ=2- states. 3n; calculated resonance trajectories for Jπ=3/2-, 1/2- and 1/2+ states. Complex scaling method (CSM) for resonance positions and widths. Gaussian expansion method used to solve Schrodinger equation and Lagrange-mesh technique to solve Faddeev-Yakubovsky (FY) equation. Comparison with recent experimental data from RIKEN.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.044004