Dataset referencing 2015YOZX

Proc.of the Conf.on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014), Tokyo, Japan, June 1-6, 2014, p.030021 (2015); JPS Conf. Proc. 6, (2015)

R.Yokoyama, E.Ideguchi, G.Simpson, M.Tanaka, S.Nishimura, P.Doornenbal, P.-A.Soderstrom, G.Lorusso, Z.Xu, J.Wu, T.Sumikama, N.Aoi, H.Baba, F.Bello, F.Browne, R.Daido, Y.Fang, N.Fukuda, G.Gey, S.Go, N.Inabe, T.Isobe, D.Kameda, K.Kobayashi, M.Kobayashi, T.Komatsubara, T.Kubo, I.Kuti, Z.Li, M.Matsushita, S.Michimasa, C.-B.Moon, H.Nishibata, I.Nishizuka, A.Odahara, Z.Patel, S.Rice, E.Sahin, L.Sinclair, H.Suzuki, H.Takeda, J.Taprogge, Z.Vajta, H.Watanabe, A.Yagi

Isomers of Pm Isotopes on the Neutron-Rich Frontier of the Deformed Z ∼ 60 Region

RADIOACTIVITY 158,159,161Pm(IT) [from 9Be(238U, F)158Pm/159Pm/161Pm, E=345 MeV/nucleon]; measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, Iβ; deduced γ-ray energy spectra, J, π, preliminary level scheme, T1/2.

doi: 10.7566/JPSCP.6.030021

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161PM IT DECAY 2017-04 All references

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