Dataset referencing 2014WA20

Phys.Rev. C 89, 064302 (2014)

M.Warda, M.Centelles, X.Vinas, X.Roca-Maza

Influence of the single-particle structure on the nuclear surface and the neutron skin

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66,68,70Ca, 48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66,68,70,72,74,76,78Ni, 90,92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122Zr, 132,134,136,138,140,142,144,146,148,150,152,154,156,158,160,162,164,166,168,170,172,174,176Sn, 208,210,212,214,216,218,220,222,224,226,228,230,232,234,236,238,240,242,244,246,248,250,252,254,256,258,260,262,264,266Pb; calculated proton and neutron rms radii, neutron skin thickness (NST), single-particle energies and Fermi level, configurations, rms radii, neutron, shell, and single-particle level densities and density ratios. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock plus BCS approach with the SLy4 Skyrme force. Discussed impact of the valence shell neutrons on the tail of the neutron density distributions.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.064302

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