Dataset referencing 2013SE09

J.Phys.:Conf.Ser. 445, 012001 (2013)


Experimental approach to three nucleon forces via few nucleon systems

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 1H(polarized d, p), (polarized d, n), (polarized d, d), E=70, 135, 250, 400 MeV/nucleon; measured En, In(θ=40-1620), Ep, Ip(θ=40-1620) from polyethylene target using BigDpol plastic scintillators; deduced elastic scattering σ(θ), analyzing power; calculated elastic scattering σ(θ), analyzing power using TM99 3NF with modern NN potentials. Compared with other data and calculations.

doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/445/1/012001

Matching dataset in ENSDF

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
3 He 2H(P,P),(P,N),1H(D,D),(D,N), (D,PP) 2015-12 All references

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Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
254 Rf 206PB(50TI,2N):XUNDL-4 2024-03 All references

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