Dataset referencing 2013MO20
A.I.Morales, J.Benlliure, M.Gorska, H.Grawe, S.Verma, P.H.Regan, Zs.Podolyak, S.Pietri, R.Kumar, E.Casarejos, A.Algora, N.Alkhomashi, H.Alvarez-Pol, G.Benzoni, A.Blazhev, P.Boutachkov, A.M.Bruce, L.S.Caceres, I.J.Cullen, A.M.D.Bacelar, P.Doornenbal, M.E.Estevez Aguado, G.Farrelly, Y.Fujita, A.B.Garnsworthy, W.Gelletly, J.Gerl, J.Grebosz, R.Hoischen, I.Kojouharov, N.Kurz, S.Lalkovski, Z.Liu, C.Mihai, F.Molina, D.Mucher, W.Prokopowicz, B.Rubio, H.Schaffner, S.J.Steer, A.Tamii, S.Tashenov, J.J.Valiente-Dobon, P.M.Walker, H.J.Wollersheim, P.J.Woods
β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of 203, 204Au and 200-202Pt
RADIOACTIVITY 200,201,202Ir, 203,204Pt(β-)[from 9Be(208Pb, X), E=1 GeV/nucleon]; measured Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, βγ, γγ-coin using the FRS+RISING setup at GSI. 200,201,202Pt, 203,204Au; deduced levels, J, π, multipolarity, β feedings. Comparison with shell-model calculations, and with SDG pair approach.
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 200,201,202Pt, 203,204Au; calculated levels, J, π. Shell model using OXBASH computer code. Comparison with experimental data.
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(208Pb, X)200Ir/201Ir/202Ir/203Pt/204Pt, E=1 GeV/nucleon; measured time-of-flight, magnetic rigidity, yields using FRS+RISING facility at GSI.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.014319