Dataset referencing 2012MOZW
F.Molina, B.Rubio, Y.Fujita, W.Gelletly, for the Valencia Collaboration, Osaka Collaboration, Surrey Collaboration, GSI CollaborationI, Istanbul Collaboration, Lagnaro Collaboration, Leuven Collaboration, Lund Collaboration, Madrid Collaboration, New Delhi Collaboration, Santiago Collaboration
The Tz= -1 → Tz=0 beta decays and comparison with charge exchange reactions
RADIOACTIVITY 54Ni(β+), (EC)[from fragmentation of 680 MeV/nucleon 58Ni beam on 9Be target]; measured Eγ, Iγ using RISING Ge array, β-decay using DSSD. 54Ni deduced β-decay Gamow-Teller B(GT), T1/2. 54Co deduced levels, J, π, γ transitions. B(GT) compared with data on charge-exchange (3He, t) reactions measured at Osaka. Also 42Ti, 46Cr, 50Fe measured, but the results are not presented here.
doi: 10.1063/1.3688776