Dataset referencing 2012HO19

Phys.Rev. C 86, 024614 (2012)

W.Horiuchi, T.Inakura, T.Nakatsukasa, Y.Suzuki

Glauber-model analysis of total reaction cross sections for Ne, Mg, Si, and S isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 12C(17Ne, X), (18Ne, X), (19Ne, X), (20Ne, X), (21Ne, X), (22Ne, X), (23Ne, X), (24Ne, X), (25Ne, X), (26Ne, X), (27Ne, X), (28Ne, X), (29Ne, X), (30Ne, X), (31Ne, X), (32Ne, X), (33Ne, X), (34Ne, X), (20Mg, X), (21Mg, X), (22Mg, X), (23Mg, X), (24Mg, X), (25Mg, X), (26Mg, X), (27Mg, X), (28Mg, X), (29Mg, X), (30Mg, X), (31Mg, X), (32Mg, X), (33Mg, X), (34Mg, X), (35Mg, X), (36Mg, X), (37Mg, X), (38Mg, X), (24Si, X), (25Si, X), (26Si, X), (27Si, X), (28Si, X), (29Si, X), (30Si, X), (31Si, X), (32Si, X), (33Si, X), (34Si, X), (35Si, X), (36Si, X), (37Si, X), (38Si, X), (39Si, X), (40Si, X), (41Si, X), (42Si, X), (43Si, X), (44Si, X), (45Si, X), (46Si, X), (26S, X), (27S, X), (28S, X), (29S, X), (30S, X), (31S, X), (32S, X), (33S, X), (34S, X), (35S, X), (36S, X), (37S, X), (38S, X), (39S, X), (40S, X), (41S, X), (42S, X), (43S, X), (44S, X), (45S, X), (46S, X), (47S, X), (48S, X), (49S, X), (50S, X), E=240 MeV/nucleon; 12C(13O, X), (14O, X), (15O, X), (16O, X), (17O, X), (18O, X), (19O, X), (20O, X), (21O, X), (22O, X), (23O, X), (24O, X), (17Ne, X), (18Ne, X), (19Ne, X), (20Ne, X), (21Ne, X), (22Ne, X), (23Ne, X), (24Ne, X), (25Ne, X), (26Ne, X), (27Ne, X), (28Ne, X), (29Ne, X), (30Ne, X), (31Ne, X), (32Ne, X), (33Ne, X), (34Ne, X), (20Mg, X), (21Mg, X), (22Mg, X), (23Mg, X), (24Mg, X), (25Mg, X), (26Mg, X), (27Mg, X), (28Mg, X), (29Mg, X), (30Mg, X), (31Mg, X), (32Mg, X), (33Mg, X), (34Mg, X), (35Mg, X), (36Mg, X), (37Mg, X), (38Mg, X), E=1000 MeV/nucleon; calculated total reaction σ. Glauber model for high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions with SkM* interaction. Comparison with experimental data. Role of nuclear deformation in determining the matter radius.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34Ne, 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38Mg, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46Si, 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50S; calculated point matter, neutron and proton radii, neutron Fermi energy for Ne isotopes, quadrupole deformation parameter. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation SkM* and SLy4 interactions.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.024614

Matching datasets in ENSDF

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
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31 Ne ADOPTED LEVELS 2022-09 All references
31 Mg ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2022-09 All references
31 Si ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2022-09 All references
31 S ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2022-09 All references
35 Mg ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2017-12 All references
39 Si ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2018-03 All references
40 Si ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2017-02 All references
44 Si ADOPTED LEVELS 2023-06 All references
44 S ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2023-06 All references
48 S ADOPTED LEVELS 2022-01 All references
49 S ADOPTED LEVELS 2023-12 All references

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