Dataset referencing 2011IN02

Phys.Rev. C 84, 021302 (2011)

T.Inakura, T.Nakatsukasa, K.Yabana

Emergence of pygmy dipole resonances: Magic numbers and neutron skins

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34Ne, 40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60Ca; calculated photoabsorption cross sections. Z=8-40, N=8-82; calculated fraction of photoabsorption cross section of pygmy dipole resonances (PDR) for even-even spherical and deformed nuclei. Z=16-40, N=16-82; calculated correlations between fraction of photoabsorption cross section of pygmy dipole resonances (PDR) and neutron skin thickness for even-even nuclei. B(E1) strengths. Random-phase approximation (RPA) calculations with the Skyrme functional SkM* using finite amplitude method (FAM).

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.021302

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