Dataset referencing 2008LA20

Phys.Atomic Nuclei 71, 209 (2008)

Yu.A.Lashko, G.F.Filippov

Cluster structure of a low-energy resonance in tetraneutron

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 2,3,4NN; calculated effective 2n-2n potential, eigenvalues, effective intercluster potential induced by the Rosenfeld interaction, phase shift of the elastic 2n-2n scattering in the coupled-channel approach, coefficients of the expansion of the continuum states of the 4NN system in the SU(3) basis; deduced that the tetraneutron has a good chance to exist as a compound system, where 3n+n and 2n-2n coupled cluster configurations coexist.

doi: 10.1134/S1063778808020014

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