Dataset referencing 2001HA47
Phys.Rev. C64, 031304 (2001)
D.J.Hartley, L.L.Riedinger, M.A.Riley, D.L.Balabanski, F.G.Kondev, R.W.Laird, J.Pfohl, D.E.Archer, T.B.Brown, R.M.Clark, M.Devlin, P.Fallon, I.M.Hibbert, D.T.Joss, D.R.LaFosse, P.J.Nolan, N.J.O'Brien, E.S.Paul, D.G.Sarantites, R.K.Sheline, S.L.Shepherd, J.Simpson, R.Wadsworth, J.-Y.Zhang, P.B.Semmes, F.Donau
Detailed Spectroscopy of the Chiral-Twin Candidate Bands in 136Pm
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 105Pd(35Cl, 2n2p), E=173 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-, (charged particle)γ-coin. 136Pm deduced high-spin levels, J, π, configurations, B(M1), B(E2). Comparisons with neighboring nuclides, model predictions. Gammasphere, Microball arrays.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.64.031304