Dataset referencing 1999SIZZ

ANL-99/12 (Physics Division Ann.Rept., 1998), p.54 (1999)

S.Siem, P.Reiter, T.L.Khoo, M.P.Carpenter, T.Lauritsen, D.Gassmann, I.Ahmad, I.Calderin, S.M.Fischer, G.Hackman, R.V.F.Janssens, D.Nisius, H.Amro, T.Dossing, U.Garg, F.Hannachi, B.Kharraja, A.Korichi, A.Lopez-Martens, E.F.Moore, C.Schuck

Spins and Excitation Energy of the Yrast Superdeformed Band in 191Hg

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 174Yb(22Ne, 5n), E not given; measured Eγ, Iγ(θ), γγ-coin. 191Hg deduced superdeformed band spin and excitation energy. Quasicontinuum analysis, Gammasphere array.

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191 Hg ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2024-03 All references
(HI,XNG):SD 2024-03 All references

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