Dataset referencing 1996AN21
Bull.Rus.Acad.Sci.Phys. 60, 119 (1996)
A.N.Andreev, A.G.Popeko, A.V.Eremin, S.Hofmann, F.Hessberger, H.Folger, V.Ninov, S.Saro
Production and Decay Properties of Light Protactinium Isotope Nuclei
NUCLEAR REACTIONS, ICPND 170Er(51V, 3n), (51V, 4n), (51V, 5n), (51V, 6n), (51V, 7n), (51V, 8n), (51V, 3np), (51V, 4np), (51V, 5np), (51V, 6np), (51V, 7np), (51V, 2nα), (51V, 3nα), (51V, 4nα), (51V, 5nα), (51V, 6nα), (51V, 7nα), E not given; measured residuals production σ vs excitation energy, αα-correlation spectra, Eα, Iα; deduced evidence for 213,214Pa.
RADIOACTIVITY 213,214,215,216,217,217m,218Pa(α) [from 170Er(51V, xn), (51V, xnp), (51V, xnα), E not given]; measured Eα, α-branching, T1/2, αα-correlation spectrum.