Dataset referencing 1988SUZW

Proc.of the Conf. on High-Spin Nuclear Structure and Novel Nuclear Shapes, April 13-15, 1988, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois; ANL-PHY-88-2, p.275 (1988)

K.Sugawara-Tanabe, K.Tanabe

Microscopic Calculation of G-Factors, Backbending and Isotope Shift in Er Isotopes from A = 158 to 170

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 158,160,162,164,166,168,170Er; calculated levels, g, isotope shift, rms radii changes. Cranked HFB.

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
162 Er ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2024-03 All references

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