Dataset referencing 1987GO25

Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 45, 205 (1987); JETP Lett.(USSR) 45, 252 (1987)

M.G.Gornov, Yu.B.Gurov, V.P.Koptev, P.V.Morokhov, K.O.Oganesyan, B.P.Osipenko, V.A.Pechkurov, V.I.Savelev, F.M.Sergeev, A.A.Khomutov, B.A.Chernyshev, R.R.Shafigullin, A.V.Shishkov

Detection of Superheavy Hydrogen Isotopes in the Reaction for the Absorption of π- Mesons by 9Be Nuclei

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(π-, 2t), (π-, dt), (π-, pt), (π-, 2d), (π-, pd), (π-, 2p), E at rest; measured (particle)(particle)-coin. 5H deduced level, Γ.

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
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5 H 9BE(PI-,PT) 2019-03 All references
6 H ADOPTED LEVELS 2019-03 All references
7 H 9BE(PI-,PP) 2023-12 All references

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