Dataset referencing 1987BO40
Rev.Roum.Phys. 32, 497 (1987)
C.Borcea, A.V.Belozyorov, Z.Dlouhy, A.M.Kalinin, Nguyen Hoai Chau, Yu.E.Penionzhkevich
Experimental Study of Multineutron Systems and Heavy Isotopes of H and He
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(11B, 15O), (11B, 14O), (11B, 14N), (11B, 13C), (11B, 12C), (11B, 11C), (11B, 10C), E(cm)=34.2 MeV; 7Li(9Be, 12N), E(cm)=46.81 MeV; 9Be(11B, 16O), (11B, 15O), (11B, 14O), (11B, 13N), E(cm)=39.6 MeV; 9Be(14C, 14O), E(cm)=61.83 MeV; 9Be(14C, 16O), E(cm)=60.26 MeV; measured energy spectra, σ(θ). 3n, 4n, 5H deduced unbound states. 6H deduced excitation energy. 5,6,7,8,9He deduced levels, Γ. Magnetic spectrograph. Phase space calculations.