Nuclear data preparation is the final stage in the scientific workflow where experiment, theory, phenomenology all meet and are synthesized into data tables for use in applied nuclear technology. Therefore the ENDF Project exists an the intersection of Basic Science and Engineering Applications ans serves both by connecting scientific products with engineering users.
M. Herman provided a concise overview of the U.S.'s nuclear data program at the Sep. 21, 2012 Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Meeting in Gaithersburg, MD.
Here is a selection of applications of the ENDF library and other products of the nuclear data community:
- Basic Physics
- Testing theoretical models
- Designing experiments
- Analyzing experimental data
- Astrophysics
- Origin of elements
- Nuclear Energy Systems
- Reactors R&D
- Fuel cycle
- Nuclear batteries
- Operation safety
- Radiation shielding
- Waste disposal, transportation and transmutation
- Nuclear Medicine
- Radioisotope production
- Dose calculation
- Radiotherapy
- Diagnostics
- National/Homeland Security
- Device R&D
- Stockpile stewardship
- Criticality safety
- Nuclear forensics
- Detecting illicit trafficking of nuclear materials
- Emergency response
- Industrial Applications
- Oil well logging