  author="K. {Morita} and Y. H. {Pu} and J. {Feng} and M. G. {Hies} and K. O. {Lee} and A. {Yoshida} and S. C. {Jeong} and S. {Kubono} and T. {Nomura} and Y. {Tagaya} and M. {Wada} and M. {Kurokawa} and T. {Motobayashi} and H. {Ogawa} and T. {Uchibori} and K. {Sueki} and T. {Ishizuka} and K. {Uchiyama} and Y. {Fujita} and H. {Miyatake} and T. {Shimoda} and T. {Shinozuka} and H. {Kudo} and Y. {Nagai} and S. A. {Shin}",
  title="New $\alpha$-Decaying Neutron Deficient Isotopes $^{197}$Rn and $^{200}$Fr",
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*  Note: Translation from NSR format to bibTex is imperfect. Entries       *
*    may require editing before use. This is especially true for           *
*    "secondary" sources such as conference proceedings, lab reports, etc. *
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