  author="C. {Droste} and R. {Goldworm} and W. {Klamra} and D. G. {Sarantites} and Z. P. {Sawa}",
  title="High-Spin States of $^{55}$Fe and $^{52}$Mn via $^{54}$Fe($\alpha$, 2pn)$^{56}$Fe*($\gamma$), $^{53}$Cr($\alpha$, 2n)$^{55}$Fe*($\gamma$); and $^{54}$Fe($\alpha$, $\alpha$'pn)$^{52}$Mn*($\gamma$), $^{50}$Cr($\alpha$, pn)$^{52}$Mn*($\gamma$)",
  institution="   ",
  number="Stockholm(Res Inst Phys) 1975 Annual,P65"
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