Revised History Record
J.K. Tuli
April 13, 1999

  1. In all individual data sets in ENSDF (excepting the REFERENCE and COMMENTS data sets) the following information will be presented (the information is required, unless indicated optional) on an "H" record every time changes are made to the data set ("H" record is defined under B.):

    Change/evaluation TYPe, AUThor's name (the person who makes or responsible for the change, not necessarily the evaluator of the data set), the DATe of change, literature CUToff date (optional when changes do not involve evaluation, CITation (optional, if not published), COMments (optional)

  2. The history record will have 'H' in col. 8 and will have various fields and their values in cols 10-80 followed by any number of continuations. Field descriptor is terminated by = and the value by $ ($ not needed if it is the last field on the H record).
  3. Current list of evaluation types (can be expanded) are (The first three letters must be spelled exactly as given here):
    Complete revision of the nuclide based on all information to the cutoff date indicated. CUToff date required
    Reformated a quantity or a record
    Fix an error in the dataset-should be accompanied with COM
    Modified dataset for partial update of nuclide. Kind of modification done should be indicated as comment. CUToff date optional
    Update due to scan of new literature. CUToff date required
    Experimental data sets in XUNDL
    There can be only one type specification per history record given.
  4. Date and Cutoff date must be given as DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g., 31-MAY-1996)
  5. Citation (optional) gives the reference where the evaluation is published.
  6. Comments (optional) may give general remarks about evaluation/update.
  7. The fields can be in any order on an "H" record.

    Note that history records indicate various revisions. These are wiped out at the next FULL evaluation.

    For FULL evaluation NNDC will introduce "H" records based on the COMMENTS data set.

  8. History record must occur before any formatted record, and immediately follow the DSID record. All history records should be grouped together in descending chronological order, i.e., the most recent one appears first in the data set.
  9. Example:
    156DY H  TYP=MOD$AUT=C. Reich$DAT=15-MAY-1996$CUT=01-MAY-1996$
    156DY2H  COM=Updated SDB data beyond B. Singh's evaluation of SD Bands 
    156DY H  TYP=MOD$AUT=B. Singh$DAT=31-DEC-1995$CUT=15-DEC-1995$
    156DY2H  COM=Updated SDB data only$
    156DY H  TYP=UPD$AUT=R. Helmer$DAT=31-DEC-1994$CUT=15-DEC-1994$
    156DY2H  COM=updated data set for new references since last full evaluation 
    156DY H  TYP=FMT$AUT=J. Tuli$DAT=1-DEC-1994$COM=FIXED Format$
    156DY H  TYP=FUL$AUT=R. Helmer$DAT=20-AUG-1991$CUT=01-May-1991$
    156DY2H  CIT=NDS 65, 65 (1992)