Nuclear Data Meetings at BNL

WPEC-SG38(Oct. 29-31, 2014)
CSEWG/CIELO (Nov. 3-5, 2014)
USNDP (Nov. 5-7, 2014)
NDAG(Nov. 6, 2014)

The traditional Nuclear Data Week was held at BNL from Nov. 3 through Nov. 7, 2014 and consisted of the CSEWG/CIELO, USNDP, and NDAG meetings. The focus of the CSEWG meeting was mainly on the WPEC CIELO project with usual CSEWG agenda reduced to a minimum. The traditional Nuclear Data Weel was preceded by the WPEC Subgroup 38 (SG38) that was held from October 29-31, 2014. This Subgroup was formed to develop a modernized nuclear data format structure.

This year we tried something different. The agenda and talks are up on the BNL Indico system. To make full use of the system, each participant must register as an Indico user. At the Nuclear Data Week Indico home page, click on the the "Login" button at the top right, and you will see a link from which you can quickly create an Indico account.

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