References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 58FE 13C(48CA,3NG):XUNDL-4

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Phys.Rev. C 85, 044316 (2012)

D.Steppenbeck, R.V.F.Janssens, S.J.Freeman, M.P.Carpenter, P.Chowdhury, A.N.Deacon, M.Honma, H.Jin, T.Lauritsen, C.J.Lister, J.Meng, J.Peng, D.Seweryniak, J.F.Smith, Y.Sun, S.L.Tabor, B.J.Varley, Y.-C.Yang, S.Q.Zhang, P.W.Zhao, S.Zhu

Magnetic rotation and quasicollective structures in 58Fe: Influence of the νγ9/2 orbital

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 48Ca(13C, 3n), (14C, 4n), E=130 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin, γ(θ), DCO ratios using Gammasphere array at ATLAS, ANL facility. 58Fe; deduced high-spin levels, J, π, multipolarity, bands, magnetic rotational bands, alignment plots, quasicollective structures, configurations. Comparison with shell model calculations, and with self-consistent tilted-axis-cranking calculations within relativistic mean-field theory.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 58Fe; calculated levels, J, π. Shell-model calculations in fp model space using GXPF1A, KB3G, and FPD6 interactions.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.044316