References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 212PO 208PB(12C,8BEG):XUNDL-5

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Phys.Rev. C 93, 011303 (2016)

D.Kocheva, G.Rainovski, J.Jolie, N.Pietralla, C.Stahl, P.Petkov, A.Blazhev, A.Hennig, A.Astier, Th.Braunroth, M.L.Cortes, A.Dewald, M.Djongolov, C.Fransen, K.Gladnishki, V.Karayonchev, J.Litzinger, C.Muller-Gatermann, M.Scheck, Ph.Scholz, R.Stegmann, P.Thole, V.Werner, W.Witt, D.Wolk, P.Van Isacker

Low-lying isovector 2+ valence-shell excitations of 212Po

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 208Pb(12C, 2α)212Po, E=62 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, (particle)γ-, γγ-coin, enriched target, level half-lives by DSAM and line-shape analysis using an array of 12 HPGe detectors for γ detection, and solar cell array for reaction products at FN Tandem facility of the University of Cologne. 212Po; deduced levels, J, π, B(M1), B(E2) of second and third 2+ states as candidates for one-phonon mixed-symmetry states (MSS). Comparison with simple single-j shell model calculation. 211Po; observed γ rays. 209,210Po, 208Pb, 209Bi; reaction products measured in coincidence with γ rays.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.011303


Phys.Rev. C 96, 044305 (2017)

D.Kocheva, G.Rainovski, J.Jolie, N.Pietralla, A.Blazhev, R.Altenkirch, S.Ansari, A.Astier, M.Bast, M.Beckers, Th.Braunroth, M.Cappellazzo, A.Dewald, F.Diel, M.Djongolov, C.Fransen, K.Gladnishki, A.Goldkuhle, A.Hennig, V.Karayonchev, J.M.Keatings, E.Kluge, Th.Kroll, J.Litzinger, K.Moschner, C.Muller-Gatermann, P.Petkov, M.Scheck, Ph.Scholz, T.Schmidt, P.Spagnoletti, C.Stahl, R.Stegmann, A.Stolz, A.Vogt, N.Warr, V.Werner, D.Wolk, J.C.Zamora, K.O.Zell, V.Yu.Ponomarev, P.Van Isacker

Low collectivity of the 2+1 state of 212Po

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 208Pb(12C, 8Be)212Po, E=64 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, (particle)γ-coin, half-life of the first 2+ state by recoil-distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method at the FN Tandem facility of the University of Cologne. 212Po; deduced levels, J, π, B(E2). Comparisons with levels and B(E2) of 210Po and 210Pb, and with theoretical calculations using shell model. Systematics of B(E2) values for the first 2+ states in 20Ne, 44Ti, 52Ti, 136Te, 212Po, nuclei with two valence protons and two valence neutrons.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.044305