References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 13C 9BE(6LI,D):XUNDL-6

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Phys.Rev. C 86, 044328 (2012)

C.Wheldon, N.I.Ashwood, M.Barr, N.Curtis, M.Freer, Tz.Kokalova, J.D.Malcolm, V.A.Ziman, Th.Faestermann, H.-F.Wirth, R.Hertenberger, R.Lutter

Absolute partial decay-branch measurements in 13C

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(6Li, d)13C*, E=42 MeV; measured deuteron, neutron and α spectra from breakup of 13C, (particle)(particle)-coin, absolute partial branching ratios for neutron and α decays, widths using Q3D magnetic spectrograph at MLL, Munich facility. 13C; deduced levels, J, π, branching ratios, reduced widths, molecular band levels. Comparison with previous studies.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.044328