Dataset referencing 2022SK02

Phys.Rev. C 106, 054303 (2022)

L.V.Skripnikov, S.D.Prosnyak

Refined nuclear magnetic dipole moment of rhenium: 185Re and 187Re

NUCLEAR MOMENTS 185,187Re; analyzed data from nuclear magnetic resonance experiments; calculated shielding effects contributions; deduced magnetic dipole moments, parameter of nuclear magnetization distribution. Combined relativistic coupled cluster and density-functional theory calculations. Comparison with previous experimental data obtained with different approach to correct for shielding effect.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.054303

Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
185 Re 185RE:MOMM1:XUNDL-4 2023-05 All references
187 Re 187RE:MOMM1:XUNDL-6 2023-05 All references

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