Dataset referencing 2021OT02

Phys.Rev. C 104, 055806 (2021)

S.Ota, G.Christian, W.N.Catford, G.Lotay, M.Pignatari, U.Battino, E.A.Bennett, S.Dede, D.T.Doherty, S.Hallam, F.Herwig, J.Hooker, C.Hunt, H.Jayatissa, A.Matta, M.Moukaddam, E.Rao, G.V.Rogachev, A.Saastamoinen, D.Scriven, J.A.Tostevin, S.Upadhyayula, R.Wilkinson

(6Li, d) and (6Li, t) reactions on 22Ne and implications for s-process nucleosynthesis

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 6Li(22Ne, d)26Mg, 6Li(22Na, t)25Mg, E=154 MeV; 2H(22Ne, p)23Ne, E not given; measured reaction products, E(d), I(d), E(p), I(p), Eγ, Iγ, 26Mg and 25Mg recoils, (26Mg)γ-coin, (25Mg)γ-coin, (particle)(particle)-coin, σ(θ) using TIARA Si detector array of two sets of Si detectors, 'Hyball' and 'Barrel', MDM high-resolution and broad range magnetic spectrometer, and array of four HPGe detectors at the K150 cyclotron of Texas A and M University. 23Ne, 25Mg, 26Mg; deduced levels, J, π, resonances, resonances in the Gamow window of 22Ne(α, n)25Mg reaction, spectroscopic factors, α-spectroscopic factors for 26Mg, resonance strengths, impact of 22Ne+α resonances on s-process nucleosynthesis; comparison of σ(θ) data with DWBA calculations using FRESCO code. Comparison with previous experimental results. 22Ne(α, n), (α, γ); calculated s-process overproduction factors in stars 3 and 5 times the mass of the sun for A=60-210 isotopes.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.055806

Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
23 Ne 2H(22NE,P):XUNDL-4 2022-05 All references
25 Mg 6LI(22NE,T):XUNDL-5 2022-05 All references
26 Mg 6LI(22NE,D):XUNDL-24 2022-05 All references
25MG(D,P):XUNDL-25 2022-05 All references

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