Dataset referencing 2018WA07

Phys.Rev. C 97, 034612 (2018)

F.Wamers, J.Marganiec, F.Aksouh, Yu.Aksyutina, H.Alvarez-Pol, T.Aumann, S.Beceiro Novo, C.A.Bertulani, K.Boretzky, M.J.G.Borge, M.Chartier, A.Chatillon, L.V.Chulkov, D.Cortina-Gil, H.Emling, O.Ershova, L.M.Fraile, H.O.U.Fynbo, D.Galaviz, H.Geissel, M.Heil, D.H.H.Hoffmann, J.Hoffman, H.T.Johansson, B.Jonson, C.Karagiannis, O.A.Kiselev, J.V.Kratz, R.Kulessa, N.Kurz, C.Langer, M.Lantz, T.Le Bleis, C.Lehr, R.Lemmon, Yu.A.Litvinov, K.Mahata, C.Muntz, T.Nilsson, C.Nociforo, W.Ott, V.Panin, S.Paschalis, A.Perea, R.Plag, R.Reifarth, A.Richter, K.Riisager, C.Rodriguez-Tajes, D.Rossi, D.Savran, G.Schrieder, H.Simon, J.Stroth, K.Summerer, O.Tengblad, S.Typel, H.Weick, M.Wiescher, C.Wimmer

Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of 17Ne

NUCLEAR REACTIONS H, C, Pb(17Ne, p15O), (17Ne, p14O), (17Ne, 2p15O), (17Ne, 2p14O), E=500 MeV/nucleon; measured reaction products, mass spectra of 13O, 14O and 15O isotopes, (14O)p-, (14O)2p-, (15O)p-, (15O)2p-coin using lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets and ALADIN-R3B setup at GSI; deduced transverse momentum distributions of 14O and 15O, relative energy spectra, inclusive σ, σ(1p) and σ(2p) for fragmentation of 17Ne in 14O and 15o for different targets, electromagnetic dissociation (EMD) cross sections. Electromagnetic and nuclear dissociations. One-proton knockout, and three body 15O+2p correlations. Comparison of measured cross sections and energy spectra with calculations using three-body 15O+2p model, and Hartree-Bogoliubov theory. Relevance to 15O(2p, γ)17Ne capture reaction in astrophysical rp-process.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.034612

Matching dataset in ENSDF

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
17 Ne 1H(17NE,15O2P) 2021-10 All references

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Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
17 Ne 1H(17NE,15O2P):XUNDL-6 2018-08 All references

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