Dataset referencing 2014KU28

Phys.Rev. C 90, 064315 (2014)

J.Kurpeta, W.Urban, A.Plochocki, T.Rzaca-Urban, A.G.Smith, J.F.Smith, G.S.Simpson, I.Ahmad, J.P.Greene, A.Jokinen, H.Penttila

Neutron configurations in 113Pd

RADIOACTIVITY 248Cm, 252Cf(SF); measured prompt Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin using EOROGAM-II array at Jyvaskyla and Gammasphere array at ANL. 113Pd; deduced levels, J, π, bands configuration, staggering, alignments Comparison with band structures of 109Mo, 109,112,113Pd, 110,111Ru. Discussed possible oblate-shape of low-energy bandheads. 113Rh(β-)[from 238U(p, X), E=25 MeV using IGISOL at Jyvaskyla, followed by mass separation]; measured Eγ, Iγ, Eβ, βγ-, γγ-coin. 113Pd; deduced levels, J, π, logft, configurations, B(GT) strengths and comparison with those from 113Ru to 113Rh decay.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.064315

Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
113 Pd 113RH B- DECAY:2.80 S:XUNDL-5 2015-01 All references
252CF,248CM SF DECAY:XUNDL-5 2015-01 All references

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