Dataset referencing 2013MA66

Phys.Rev. C 88, 044301 (2013); see 2013MA74

P.J.R.Mason, Zs.Podolyak, N.Marginean, P.H.Regan, P.D.Stevenson, V.Werner, T.Alexander, A.Algora, T.Alharbi, M.Bowry, R.Britton, A.M.Bruce, D.Bucurescu, M.Bunce, G.Cata-Danil, I.Cata-Danil, N.Cooper, D.Deleanu, D.Delion, D.Filipescu, W.Gelletly, D.Ghita, I.Gheorghe, T.Glodariu, G.Ilie, D.Ivanova, S.Kisyov, S.Lalkovski, R.Lica, S.N.Liddick, R.Marginean, C.Mihai, K.Mulholland, C.R.Nita, A.Negret, S.Pascu, S.Rice, O.J.Roberts, T.Sava, J.F.Smith, P.-A.Soderstrom, L.Stroe, G.Suliman, R.Suvaila, S.Toma, C.Townsley, E.Wilson, R.T.Wood, M.Zhekova, C.Zhou

Half-life of the yrast 2+ state in 188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 186W(7Li, pα), E=35 MeV; measured Eγ, γγ-coin, T1/2 of first 2+ state by γγ(t) at IFIN-HH, Bucharest facility. 188W; deduced level, B(E2) for first 2+ state, enhanced γ softness in 188W. Systematics of energies of low-lying 0+, 2+ and 4+ states and B(E2) values for first 2+ states in even-even Hf, W, Os and Pt nuclei with N=102-120.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 184,186,188,190,192,194W; calculated Woods-Saxon potential energy surface (PES) contours in (β, γ) plane; deduced prolate to oblate shape transition.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.044301

Matching datasets in ENSDF

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Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
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188 W ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2018-06 All references
186W(7LI,APG) 2018-06 All references
190 W ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2020-11 All references

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Matching dataset in XUNDL

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188 W 186W(7LI,PAG):XUNDL-5 2013-10 All references

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